Flying Illusion by THE MAGIC MAN
The German illusionist THE MAGIC MAN aka Willi Auerbach levitates on stage. Flying is an old dream of mankind. Experience how the magician floats weightlessly over the stage. The flying magician is performing one of the greatest magic trick ever.
You can book this magical effect:

Levitation of the illusionist Willi Auerbach
More information:
Call: +49 177 4205432
Mail: info(at)
Hovering fascinated humankind since ever. The Flying Illusion is a very special magical effect. The magician flies above the stage, floating as if there would be no gravity. This stage illusion of Willi Auerbach is very impressive and can be performed live on stage in front of the audience.
Check out the video on YouTube, where you can see the flying man. The Flying Illusion, performed by the flying illusionist, is a really strong effect, compared to other large scale illusions, and gives your corporate event a very special touch.
Flying illusion created by the German magician Willi Auerbach:
The zero gravity magic illusion, was developed and manufactured by the illusion constructor and magic trick builder Willi Auerbach himself. To get more information about THE MAGIC MAN, you can check out the rest of this website. There you will find more details about the magician’s career.
Willi Auerbach aka THE MAGIC MAN is born in Germany and lives in the southwest of this country near Freiburg & Basel. If you speak German, you can also visit the German version of this magic show website. Just follow this link to get more detailed information: Flying Illusion – German Website.
Please also follow the illusionist in the social networks like FACEBOOK and YouTube, to get informed about any news.
You can also use the contact form to ask the flying magician your questions: magic show request
A new magicshow video of the FLYING ILLUSION:
Did you see magicians levitate in TV Shows or on YouTube? THE MAGIC MAN presents his FLYING magic trick also during his live stage show. To see, when and where he performs, check out the German website of the hovering magician. There you will find the list of public Shows and of course more YouTube videos of the flying illusion performed by the German magician and illusionist: Flying Illusion.

The Flying Illusion - a floating magic trick
Of course the FLYING ILLUSION is a magic trick. But it is also a very seldom effect. Not many magicians are doing this kind of floating magic. A magic trick, like the incredible levitation of the German illusionist THE MAGIC MAN, must be rehearsed. If you ask your self, how magician fly in air: Its a lot of practice and a little bit of magic. Here are some pictures of how the magician is rehearsing. See the floating and levitating man doing his exercises:
Flying magician is performing his levitation trick - LEVITATION PROJECT
Levitation rehearsal video:
This is a rehearsal video of the flying magician. MAGIC MAN was rehearsing the flying illusion in a daylight situation in a factory hall. The illusionist Willi Auerbach is flying in air, as if there is no gravity. Would this magic trick fool Penn & Teller in the tv show Fool Us? The flying magician would love to find this out. Meanwhile many people would like to know how do magicians levitate.
# flying # fool us # flying illusion # levitation # zero gravity # float # fly # trick # magician # illusionist # flying magician # penn & teller
MAGIC MAN Willi Auerbach met the German Ehrlich Brothers
FLYING ILLUSION – Willi Auerbach on Penn & Teller FOOL US
Willi Auerbach performs his FLYING ILLUSION on French Television